Drop, punch the next day. Come to a bowl of rice noodles 🍜 Bone soup boiled with big bones from a Korean supermarket, with your favorite vegetables and quail eggs, the thick rice noodles you can't buy here instead of rice noodles taste very similar! Most importantly, be sure to use sesame oil! Not sesame oil! It's hemp pepper oil! ! This is the soul of rice noodles! Plus Liu Po's oily and spicy! It's so fragrant! A bowl of healthy and delicious rice noodles is just fine! No meat is a diet meal for me! # 燃烧卡路里大作战 #
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滴、打卡第二天。 来碗米线🍜韩国超市买的大骨头煮的骨头汤,配上喜欢的蔬菜和鹌鹑蛋,这边买不到米线买的粗米粉代替口感很像!最最重要的是一定要配麻油!不是香油!是麻麻的花椒油!!这是米线的灵魂!再加上六婆的油泼辣子!实在是太香了!一碗健康又美味的米线就好啦!对我来说没有肉就是减肥餐啦! # 燃烧卡路里大作战 #