Today's lunch: Pickled Cabbage and White Pork Sauce-flavored potato shreds: Soy sauce peppers are burned with a little vinegar. Braised Chicken Wings: Chicken wings are really must-haves, and they are delicious no matter how you cook them. Marinate before burning: prepare onion, ginger and garlic. Paired with white rice, it's a solid meal. There are protein and vegetables, and those who want to lose fat can eat less white meat. #亚米厨房 # #我要当测评官第4期 # #0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationebf1a429567d45758
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今日午餐: 酸菜白肉 (酸菜是阿姨自己腌制的,很有味,东北酸菜) 酱香土豆丝:酱油辣椒烧出来的,放了一丢丢的醋。 红烧鸡翅:鸡翅真的是必备,怎么烧都好吃。烧之前腌制下:葱姜蒜备上。 配上白饭,很踏实的一顿饭。 蛋白质蔬菜都有,减脂的可以少吃点白肉。 # 亚米厨房 # # 我要当测评官第4期 # # 团长群BO #