# 我的早餐打卡 # # 麦当劳 # I went to 麦当劳 this morning to buy donut sticks. A pack of 12 is quite cheap. 3.5 a pack is not tax, but after eating 4 or so, it starts to get greasy. I was tired and replaced it with white granulated sugar. I gave the remaining eight to my husband. I ate them all after a few bites. He thinks it is good. I will buy it next time.
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# 我的早餐打卡 # # 麦当劳 # 今儿一早儿跑去麦当劳买的donut stick 一包12个 倒是挺便宜的 3.5一包不算税 但是吃了4个左右开始发腻 感觉很像打小爱吃的奶油炸糕 但是焦糖太腻了 换成白砂糖挺好的 剩下八个都给先生了 没几口就都吃了 他觉得挺好的 下次还会买