# 私藏好货大曝光 # I found that this acne-removing and mite-removing cleanser is quite useful~ The blue one is suitable for dry skin, and there is another pink one for medium/oily skin. As a mixed skin, I think even the blue one is very good at removing oil. It has a faint smell of sulfur soap, and it is very clean and not tight after washing. It is very interesting to use the paste. After opening, there is a white partition with a hole in the middle. Press the partition like a seesaw, and the paste is squeezed out from the middle. This design makes the access more hygienic.
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# 私藏好货大曝光 # 发现这款祛痘除螨洁面膏相当好用啊~蓝色装适合干性皮肤,还有另一款粉色的适合中/油肌。作为混合肌的我觉得就算是蓝色款去油力也是很不错的,有淡淡的硫磺皂的味道,洗完很干净也不紧绷。膏体的取用很有趣,打开后是一个中间有洞的白色隔板,像翘翘板一样按压这个隔板,膏体就从中间挤了出来,这样的设计让取用更加卫生。