🌟Breakfast for a lifetime - Wugumofang Purple Potato Konjac Meal Replacement Porridge ————————————————————— This meal replacement is soon rotten by my Post🤭 But I still want Amway because it's really delicious! And please make sure to use milk🥛 to soak her 👌🏻 She's a hooligan to use boiled water to soak it 🌚 The taste of milk 🥛 is really good to drink Cry! I have tried soaking in hot water and the taste is really normal... If it is soaked in hot water, the taste will be more like porridge and the texture will be thicker Milk foam is the kind that is relatively thin and can be drunk directly 😂 The taste is very mellow and rich in purple potato flavor, I can't eat it haha There are added raisins in it 🍇 The taste is richer! This way it doesn't feel monotonous, you can also add some cereals Just soak the meal replacement powder and milk together and microwave I personally like to heat it up for a minute and a half and then stir it up The bubbles are purple and look very appetizing 🥰 I started eating this meal replacement to lose weight 😂 Later it gradually evolved into one of my breakfast must-haves! I often can't control myself and have to soak two packs to feel satisfied 😌 It's delicious, I don't think it's a meal replacement, it's more like a dessert 😂 There are 16 small packages in this box, which is very convenient~ It's really low in calories, it's perfect for breakfast and dinner If you want to use it as a meal replacement for dinner, suggest something else If you only eat this, it will digest quickly and you will be hungry easily~ I’ve eaten five or six boxes of this meal replacement myself 😂 I’m not tired of it yet The packaging is super small and fresh. I really like the packaging of their products! Recommend everyone to try it, it's the perfect breakfast for me haha! # 趁着春光去旅行 # # 私藏好货大曝光 # # 我的早餐打卡 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 什么值得买 #
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yami_featured_image 🌟一生推的早餐 ——五谷磨房紫薯魔芋代餐粥 ————————————————————— 这个代餐快被我Post烂了🤭 但我还是要安利因为真的太好吃啦! 还有请一定要用牛奶🥛泡她好吗👌🏻 用白开水来泡这她都是耍流氓🌚 牛奶🥛泡的口味真的好喝Cry了! 我试过用热水泡味道真的很一般了… 用热水泡的话口感会更像粥质地比较稠 牛奶泡就是比较稀可以直接喝的那种😂 味道很醇香浓郁紫薯味是吃不出来哈哈 里面有添加葡萄干🍇口感上更丰富! 这样吃起来不觉得单调也可以加点麦片谷物 只需要把代餐粉和牛奶泡在一起微波炉加热 我个人喜欢加热一分半钟然后搅拌开就行了 泡出来是紫色系的看着特别的有食欲🥰 一开始吃这个代餐是为了减肥啦😂 后来慢慢演变成了我的早餐必备之一! 常常控制不住自己得泡两包才觉得满足😌 好吃的完全不觉得它是代餐更像在吃甜品😂 这个一盒里面分有16个小包装很方便的~ 热量确实是很低的早餐晚餐都很适合吃它 如果晚餐想用它作为代餐建议再吃点其他东西 只吃这个的话消化的很快很容易就会饿的~ 这个代餐我自己吃了五六盒了😂还没吃腻 包装超小清新风格我很喜欢他们家产品的包装! 推荐大家试试对我来说简直是完美早餐哈哈! # 趁着春光去旅行 # # 私藏好货大曝光 # # 我的早餐打卡 # # 燃烧卡路里大作战 # # 什么值得买 #