🍁Autumn and winter series🍂🌞 🍁Colourpop Lux Collection Liquid Courage This one, to be honest, it has been so long since I bought it, and it is the first time I have used it well and discovered its beauty! As soon as I bought it, I felt that the color was too dark, not good-looking, and not everyday. I found out later that it was the wrong way I used 🤣 I now use it to wipe the innermost part of my lips first, and then use my fingers to slowly wipe it out, smudge it out, and gently wipe around the lips to blur the boundaries of the lipstick, it will be natural a lot of! I used this one a few days ago when I went to buy a car! I love it! Give me some courage to negotiate the price with the dealer 😂 Its texture is very delicate and smooth, with a burgundy feel, it is very suitable for rubbing it when participating in activities and parties~ Recommended index🌼🌼🌼 🍁Colourpop Lux Collection Angle City I like this one since I bought it. I think it is very versatile, beautiful, and very everyday. In fact, it is basically available all year round. The color is purplish red, and it is very smooth. I like it very much. I like it so much that I bought three or four to give to friends hahaha, and give them Amway! And the price of 7 knives is just Chinese cabbage 🥬 Recommended index🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 🍁Colourpop Lux Collection Foolish When it comes to lipsticks in autumn and winter, the first thing that comes to mind is the color of pumpkin and tomato. Don't be popular last year. I don't have a pumpkin-colored lipstick in my hand, so I'm embarrassed to say that I like beauty hahaha. It's also my first pumpkin color, and it's really pretty as I expected! No wonder it is so 🔥, it is very suitable for autumn and winter. But you must wear makeup, it is not suitable for plain makeup.. Recommended index🌼🌼🌼🌼 🍁 Tangerine Matte Lip Glaze #64 The famous domestic brand is really good, the texture and color are very good! The color is super nice, it's the kind of bean paste color, but it's a bit purple! It feels a bit like Angle city, but it's a little lighter. When I first got it, I used it almost every day! Super nice! However, I feel that its disadvantage is that it is not durable, because it will fall off when you drink water and eat. Every time you drink water, there will be particularly obvious marks on the water glass, which needs to be replenished frequently. But this one is really nice! Super recommended! OMG buy it! Recommended index🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 🍁Chanel Straw #212 This one was bought with 206, the color is that berry color, it's super nice! Perfect for fall and winter! It feels very intellectual and elegant~~ This one was originally bought for my mother, but I thought it was good-looking, so I deducted it privately and used it first hahaha, and then bought it for her hahaha. The texture is moisturizing, and it is watery to use~ You also need to be careful when using it, once it is turned out, you cannot go back! Recommended index🌼🌼🌼🌼 Finally finished! Oh my god, I finally realized the feeling that my mouth would rot when I took the color test! At the beginning, I praised Haikou and wrote ten lipsticks, really, I didn't expect it to be so difficult. These 10 lipsticks are all my favorite lipsticks, and my favorites are: Nars' Cruella, Tangerine #64, Guerlain #325. # 新年红运妆 # # 什么值得买 # # 口红不嫌多 # # 花花试色 # # 花花推荐 #
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yami_featured_image 🍁秋冬系列🍂🌞 🍁Colourpop Lux系列 Liquid Courage 这支,说实话,买来这么久了,我才第一次好好用了它,才发现它的美!刚买来,就觉得颜色太深,不好看,不日常。后来才发现,是我用的方式不对🤣我现在用都会先擦嘴唇最里面,然后用手指慢慢擦出来,晕染出来,唇周也是轻轻擦,把口红的界限擦模糊,这样会自然很多!前几天去买车的时候,就用了这支!超喜欢!给我点勇气去和dealer谈价😂它质地挺细腻柔滑的,有点酒红色的感觉,参加活动、晚会时擦,非常合适呢~ 推荐指数🌼🌼🌼 🍁Colourpop Lux系列 Angle City 这支是从买来到现在我都很喜欢,我觉得很百搭,很好看,也很日常。其实基本基本一年四季都可用。颜色偏紫红色,也很顺滑,我非常喜欢,喜欢到买了三四支送朋友哈哈哈,给他们安利!而且7刀一支的价格简直大白菜啊🥬 推荐指数🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 🍁Colourpop Lux系列 Foolish 说起秋冬的口红,第一个想到的就是什么南瓜色、番茄色了吧。去年也别流行,手里没有一支南瓜色的口红,都不好意思说自己喜欢美妆了哈哈哈。 它也是我第一支入手的南瓜色,不出我所料,真的很好看!也难怪它这么🔥,秋冬用非常合适。不过一定要化妆哦,不适合素颜.. 推荐指数🌼🌼🌼🌼 🍁橘朵 雾面唇釉 #64 大名鼎鼎的国产品牌,真的很不错了,质感,颜色都很好!颜色超级好看,是那种豆沙色,但是又偏点紫红!感觉好像和Angle city有点像,不过它更偏淡一点点。我才刚拿到手的时候,基本天天用!超级好看啊啊!不过感觉它的缺点就是不持久,因为喝水、吃东西,它都会掉。每次喝水,水杯上就会留下特别明显的痕迹,需要常常补色。不过这支真的真的很好看!超级推荐了!OMG 买它! 推荐指数🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 🍁Chanel 细管 #212 这支是和206一起买的,颜色是那种浆果色,超级好看!秋冬用很适合!感觉很知性、优雅~~这支本来是买给我妈妈的,后来我觉得好看,就自己私扣了先用了哈哈哈,后来再买给她哈哈哈。质地滋润,用起来水水的~ 用的时候也是需要小心,一旦转出来就回不去了! 推荐指数🌼🌼🌼🌼 终于写完啦!我的天啊,终于体会到了,那种拍试色拍到嘴巴都要烂掉了的感觉!当初夸下海口写十支口红,真的是,没想到这么难。 这10支都是我很喜欢的口红,要再说其中我最喜欢的就是:Nars的Cruella、橘朵#64、娇兰#325。 # 新年红运妆 # # 什么值得买 # # 口红不嫌多 # # 花花试色 # # 花花推荐 #