# 开箱大吉 # # #亚米晒单# # # 我要当测评官 # # 亚米真的6 # 25 as the next 6 years Yami single 8.5 fold anniversary of the first shipment has arrived! 8.5 fold and fill up to send red duck! It only took less than two days from shopping to delivery to receipt. This order is the first order I have made together with my roommate. We were so excited that we were sitting in the living room waiting for the courier brother, haha, when we heard the sound of the doorbell, the roommate ran with an arrow. When I opened the door, this batch was mainly snacks and lip balm. I only needed one, but DHC bought two and got three free. The rest are mainly porridge and hot pot base for breakfast, as well as daily delicious snail noodles. I look forward to the second order. Hurry up and try to put together another order before the end of the 4.1 gold master dad's birthday😂 Perfect🌸
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# 开箱大吉 # # #亚米晒单# # # 我要当测评官 # # 亚米真的6 # 25号作为亚米6周年8.5折店庆下单的第一批货已经到了! 8.5折叠加满送冲鸭! 仅仅两天不到的时间 从购物到发货到收货 这一单是和室友拼货的第一单 我俩激动到坐在客厅等快递小哥哈哈 听到按门铃的声音 室友一个箭步跑去开门 这批主要是零食和唇膏 本来只需要一只 结果DHC买二送一下了三只🙊 剩下的主要就是早餐的粥 和涮火锅底料 以及日常美味的螺蛳粉啦🦞 期待第二单的货快快到来 争取在4.1金主爸爸的生日结束前再拼凑一单😂 完美🌸