Today, I received a box from my fellow uncle 📦, with the special 6⃣️ anniversary sticker, all the orders placed this time are all the ones I have never tried before, so happy to buy Ichiran ramen 🍜 la 🥳 🥳 I can't go to New York or Japan to eat ramen After a little satisfaction from Yami first 🤤 Durian cakes used to eat other brands are really delicious, so this time Yami saw it and immediately placed the order I thought it was interesting to see a little fairy's post. I quickly took advantage of the 15% discount for the two babies to grab Lanfangyuan, which has always been in love with my heart. This time I have it in stock and grab it immediately. La 🤪🤪 Finally Yami hope we will continue for a long time 🌔🌔 # 下厨秘密武器 # # 亚米真的6 #
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今天我又收到同道大叔的箱子📦啦 贴着6⃣️周年特有的贴纸 这次下单的全部是以前都没尝试过的 好开心买到一兰拉面🍜啦🥳🥳 没办法去纽约或者日本吃拉面 在亚米先小小的满足下🤤 榴莲饼以前吃个别的牌子的 真的很好吃 所以这次亚米看到马上下单😚 嘉宝娜的食玩🥺完全是给我家两娃买的 之前看到个小仙女的晒单 觉得好有趣 赶紧趁着85折给两娃先抢了 兰芳园一直心心恋恋的这次有货马上抢🤗 哈哈最后再来吐个槽 送的尿不湿用不上啦🤪🤪 最后亚米希望我们继续长长久久🌔🌔 # 下厨秘密武器 # # 亚米真的6 #