Babyganics Baby Cutlery & Bottle Cleaner 🌟The ingredients are plant extracts, food-grade formula, natural and safe, without artificial flavors, chemical ingredients, phthalates and other harmful substances, tested by pediatricians and dermatologists. 🌟The mouth of the bottle is press-type, press to foam directly, the foam is rich and dense, the cleaning power is very good, the brush is bright and clean, the detergency is very strong, it is easy to rinse, does not leave any smell, and can also be used to wash vegetables and fruits . 🌟Every time I use this detergent to wash the milk bottle, it is clean without leaving any odor, gentle and not hurting my hands. I have used other brands of detergent before, either it is not clean, or there is no residue of dishwashing liquid the taste of. Recommended index: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 # 亚米真的6 # # 下厨秘密武器 # # 亚米晒单# # # 我要当测评官第5期 #
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Babyganics 婴儿专用餐具奶瓶清洁剂 🌟成分是植物萃取物,食品级的配方、天然安全,不含人工香料、化学成分、邻苯二甲酸盐等有害物质,经过儿科医生和皮肤科医生测试。 🌟瓶口是按压式,按压直接起泡,泡沫丰富绵密,清洁力非常好,刷的又亮又干净,去污力特别强,容易冲洗,不会残留任何味道,还可以用来清洗蔬菜水果。 🌟每次用这款清洁剂洗完奶瓶,既洗的干净又不会残留异味,温和不伤手,之前用过其他牌子的清洁剂,要不洗的不干净,要不会残留洗碗精的味道。 推荐指数:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 # 亚米真的6 # # 下厨秘密武器 # # 亚米晒单# # # 我要当测评官第5期 #