# 养颜美容 # # 美容养生 # # 美容护肤 ## 保湿面膜 # # 无限回购 # Kind of works, I was amazed. Accidentally saw the discount and bought it back for use. I have used Japanese and Korean masks, and European and American series of big and small masks. This one is a bit different. The amount of essence is just right, and There is no smell, I can be sure that there is no added fragrance, and it is absorbed instantly when I apply it on the face, which is also stunned. I checked the formula again, and there is nothing hormone-like. I put it on in the morning to brighten my skin, moisturize and remove wrinkles. After that, I put on makeup directly, it is super compliant, and it is moisturizing all day long~~ I read on the official website that it is nano-liposome technology. I think it makes sense when studying biology. The technology of preventing the structure of human cell membrane directly penetrates into the dermis layer, and it will not be sticky! Love it, I will repurchase it 👍👍👍
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# 养颜美容 # # 美容养生 # # 美容护肤 ## 保湿面膜 # # 无限回购 # 有点好用,我被惊艳到了。无意间看到打折就买回来用,用过日系韩系,欧美系列大牌小牌的面膜,这款有点不一样啊。精华液分量刚好,而且 没什么味道,可以确定没有添加香精了,而且抹在脸上瞬间吸收,也是惊呆了😂。查了一遍配方,没啥激素类的。早上起来敷上,提亮肤色,保湿补水,祛皱,之后我就直接上妆,超级服帖,而且整天都水润润的~~ 我看官网讲说是纳米脂质体技术,学生物的我觉得make sense,防人体细胞膜结构的技术,直接深入真皮层,不会粘腻!爱了爱了,估计要回购了👍👍👍