# 炸鸡安利 # Amway is a wicked uncle's frozen food, jackfruitcake, jackfruit fake crab cake. I bought it when I went to Uncle Quede on Saturday. In fact, I have noticed it for a long time, but I have no idea. I saw it yesterday and I was a little greedy and took it. 😋 I have recently become a vegetarian. Half of it is because my teeth are not good and I don’t want to move, and I don’t want to go to the dentist again. Half of it is because my mother is a vegetarian and I am not very accustomed to being a picky eater. A box costs about three dollars. There are four cakes, one is thinner, but it is only 75 calories and it is not burdensome to eat. (Although it tasted unexpectedly oily) I originally thawed two pieces, but I baked a plate of ala sticks in the afternoon and I was a little full, so I fried one piece to taste, and saved one for the lunch with the company tomorrow 😂😂. After frying and opening it, the fiber inside looks really no different from crabcake. If I didn't look at the packaging, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. It tastes great, but it still doesn't look like a real crabcake. It actually tastes more like the umami of mushrooms, and the taste is soft and delicious. I recommend friends to try it, after all, it is healthier and more affordable than real crabcake~ # 什么值得买 # # 亚米厨房 # # 炸鸡厨房 # # 一人食 #
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# 炸鸡安利 # 安利一个缺德舅的速冻食品,jackfruitcake,菠萝蜜假蟹饼。周六去缺德舅的时候买的,其实早就注意到它了但一直没啥想法,昨天看到忽然有点馋就拿了😋。 最近都吃素了,一半是因为牙齿不好咬不太动也不想再去看牙,一半是因为本身妈妈就吃素我也不挑食吃的很习惯。 一盒大約三美元出左右,有四块饼,一块比較薄,但才75卡路里吃起來沒負擔。(虽然吃起来意外油滋滋的) 本来解凍了两块,但下午自己烤了一盘阿拉棒全吃了有点饱,就煎一塊嚐嚐味道,留一个装到明天带公司的盒饭里😂😂。 煎好加开看里面这个纤维看起来就真的是跟crabcake没区别啊,我如果没看包装估计自己都分不出来。味道很赞,但是跟真正的crabcake呢还是不太像。它味道吃起来其实比较像蘑菇的那种鲜味,口感则是软软的很好入口。 推荐小伙伴去试试噢,毕竟跟真的crabcake比起来它有健康又实惠~ # 什么值得买 # # 亚米厨房 # # 炸鸡厨房 # # 一人食 #