🇨🇳 德成行's mugwort, love at first sight and hate late 🌿Mogwort leaves are the dried leaves of Asteraceae, known as the "King of Herbs", which can dispel cold, dehumidify, clear meridians, prevent colds, and repel mosquitoes! Soaking your feet with mugwort water can effectively dispel asthenia fire and cold fire, help to activate blood circulation, dispel dampness and disperse cold👏 🌿Artemisia leaves can not only bathe the feet but also take a bath🛀 as a medicinal bath to get rid of small rashes that are uncomfortable for the skin of the little basin friends, and it is said that it also has a reducing effect on eczema 🍃德成行 of mugwort leaves is 226.8 grams, a very large pack, super worth it for fairies 🧚‍♀️Click on the link 🔗 to plant grass 🍃How to use: Put water and a proper amount of mugwort leaves in a small pot at the same time, turn off the heat, the water will turn reddish brown, and the dried mugwort leaves will stretch and become larger Pour into the basin of the foot bath and add an appropriate amount of cold water, the temperature is about 40 degrees hot, and the water surface is immersed in the lower 1/3 of the calf, and you can feel the warm feeling of blood circulation! 💕If you have a cold body,🉑️Adding boiled water such as ginger, mugwort, prickly ash and other boiled water to soak your feet will have a better effect of warming and dehumidifying! # 国货种草愿望清单 # # 德成行 ## 德成行艾叶 # # 亚米什么值得买 #
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yami_featured_image 🇨🇳 德成行的艾叶,一见钟情相见恨晚 🌿艾叶为菊科植物艾的干燥叶,有“百草之王”之称,能祛寒、除湿、通经络、预防感冒、驱蚊等很多功效!用艾叶水泡脚能有效的祛虚火、寒火,有助于活血通经、祛湿散寒👏 🌿艾叶不仅能浴足而且还可以拿来泡澡🛀做药浴,祛除小盆友皮肤不舒服的小疹子、据说对湿疹也有减轻效果呢 🍃德成行的艾叶226.8克,非常大一包,超值得小仙女们🧚‍♀️点开链接🔗种草 🍃使用方法: 小锅里同时放水跟适量艾叶烧开关火,水变红褐色,干的艾叶子会舒展变大开来 倒入浴足的盆盆里加入适量的冷水,温偏热大概40度左右,水面浸过小腿下1/3就可以好好感受血液循环热乎乎的感觉啦! 💕体寒的话,🉑️加入生姜、艾叶、花椒等煮水泡脚温通除湿的效果更好呢! # 国货种草愿望清单 # # 德成行 ## 德成行艾叶 # # 亚米什么值得买 #