Cocktail · Lemonade 7up Punch Lemon juice, Ginger Ale, 7up, and mint leaves are all good friends of vodka. Don't think mint leaves are a garnish, it actually makes a cocktail cooler. practice: Put the glass container in the refrigerator for an hour Combine Lemonade (4-6 cups) and Vodka (1/3 cup) in another glass jar with ice Mix well and pour into a container Add the right amount of 7up or ginger ale (or mix with Lemonade and Vodka) Add mint leaves and blueberries for garnish The longer the cocktail sits, the more fruity it will be Leftover cocktails can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days # 生活要讲究 # # 下厨秘密武器 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationdaadaf98150a4b92ab6b7726808
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鸡尾酒·Lemonade 7up Punch 柠檬汁、Ginger Ale、7up、薄荷叶这些都是伏特加的好朋友。别以为薄荷叶是点缀,其实会使鸡尾酒变得更加清凉爽口。 做法: 把玻璃容器放在冰箱里并峙一个小时 Lemonade(4-6 cups)和伏特加(1/3 cup)混合在另外一个加冰的玻璃罐里 混合均匀后倒入在容器里 加上适量的7up或者ginger ale (或跟Lemonade和伏特加混合在一起) 加入薄荷叶、蓝莓作为点缀 鸡尾酒放的时间越长果味会越重 剩下的鸡尾酒可以在冰箱里存放2天 # 生活要讲究 # # 下厨秘密武器 # # 何以解忧,唯有饮料 #