# 春日面膜打卡 # Check in on the fifth day Today, a piece of my favorite Clarets mask NMF Super Hydrating 💦Mask 👩 I used the new version today, I never found out that the original mask paper has their watermark on it 😂 Today I took a closer look in picture 3⃣️ As for the Kelaisi mask, I believe that babies who love to apply masks are no longer familiar with it. 3 times hydration, that is, moisturizing and locking water in the case of deep hydration. The mask paper is not ultra-thin, and it can be easily manipulated by novice babies. With a light fragrance, it feels a little cool after sticking it on the face, it is very docile and very popular with the public 👏
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# 春日面膜打卡 # 打卡第五天 今天来一片我最爱的可莱丝面膜 NMF 超级补水💦面膜👩 今天用了新版本的,以前从没发现原来面膜纸上有它们家的水印😂今天细拍了一下在图3⃣️ 对于可莱丝面膜,相信热爱敷面膜的宝宝们对它再也熟悉不过了。 3倍补水,也就是深层补水的情况下滋润加锁水。 面膜纸不算超薄的,新手宝宝也可轻松操控。 带有淡淡的清香,贴上脸后有一丝丝清凉🆒的感觉,很服帖,很受大众欢迎👏