# 春日面膜打卡 # 😎 Let me introduce to you how I fight my acne. Drop... clock in the next day! I came home late and wanted to go to bed early. But look at my new acne, I can't touch it, it hurts. 🥺 My favorite quick mask - lululun 💕 dries faster than other masks, but at less than a dollar each, it's worth it. It has a hydrating effect on my thick skin. Especially when I boil one almost every day, the effect is really awesome. curology is a brand I found on YouTube. I think it is effective, and I have not dared to stop. After using this, I usually rarely have such deep big pimples on my face. The last one is the Pair that I was planted in confusion. I really don't remember how I came across this brand. However, after trying it, the effect is still considerable, not as good as the acne products prescribed by the doctor before. But the red print effect is really good. It's one of my must-haves every night. Now that the face is well maintained, the most important step! Sleep about 10 hours 😂
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# 春日面膜打卡 # 😎给你们介绍一些我怎么跟痘痘斗智斗勇。 滴…打卡第二天! 回家晚了,想早点睡。不过看看我新冒出来的痘痘,都不能碰,很疼的。🥺 我的最爱快速面膜 - lululun💕 比其他面膜干的快,不过每张面膜都不到一块钱,很值了。在我的厚脸皮上是有补水效果的。特别在我差不多天天熬一张的时候效果真的杠杠滴。 curology 是我在YouTube上面发现的牌子。我觉得是有效果的,一直没敢断。用了这个之后,一般在我脸上很少会有这种深层大痘痘的。 最后一个是我稀里糊涂被种草的 Pair。我真的不记得怎么看见的这个牌子。不过试过之后效果还是可观的,比不上之前医生给开的祛痘产品。不过去红印效果真的不错。算是我每天晚上必备的一款了。 现在脸蛋保养好了,最重要的一步!睡上去10小时左右 😂