# 晒单闪现抢积分 # A few days ago, I received a gift package from Yami, which contained black sesame powder. I tried it for the first time when I had time on the weekend. I would also like to thank my friends for their experience and advice on the Internet. , the following is the amount of a small bag inside 1: Preheat the oven to 350^F first 2: 75ml milk ➕ 1 egg ➕ 12g sugar 3: After mixing evenly, I added a little heated and melted butter 4: Then knead it into the size shown in Figure 2, or it can be slightly smaller, then keep the distance, and sprinkle some water on the surface 5: Adjust the oven to 355^F, bake for 35 minutes, the finished product is shown in Figure 3 I don't know if it's a short time or what, it doesn't crack like others do, but it's still very soft It's delicious. I only made one pack in the morning, but I also made another pack in the afternoon. The method is simple and suitable for a fool like me who can't make it. I am planting grass🌱🌱🌱, and will repurchase🥰
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# 晒单闪现抢积分 #前几天收到了亚米的礼包,里面有个黑芝麻拌粉,周末有空我就首次尝试了一下,在此还要感谢一下朋友们的经验之谈,取了网上中肯的建议,下面是里面一个小包的量 1:先预热烤箱至350^F 2:75ml牛奶➕一个鸡蛋➕12克糖 3:拌均匀后,我加了少许加热融化好的黄油 4:之后揉成如图二所示的大小,或者可以稍小一点最好,然后保持间距,表面撒上一些水 5:烤箱调至355^F,烤35分钟,成品如图三 我不知道是时间短还是怎样,并没有像别人做的表面有裂开,但是还是很酥软的 很好吃,本来早上只是做了一包,结果下午把另一包也做了,做法简单,适合我这种不会做的懵宝, 我种草啦🌱🌱🌱,会回购哟🥰