Kiki pepper and hemp noodles, don't hesitate, go buy it! It's the best noodles I've ever eaten. Kiki is a restaurant jointly opened by Shu Qi, Lan Xinmei and Tao Jingying. It is estimated that after Zeng Noodles in Zeng Guocheng became popular, her family also began to sell noodles. I haven't tried kiki so far (but I bought it, and I will review it in a few days), and I haven't tried kiki until today. The main reason is that it is expensive. A whole big pack of kiki is priced at $10-14 in supermarkets (Yami, Hmart and Dahua are available), there are five packs in it, and each bowl of noodles is about $3. But I will say it! Don't try it because of the price, it is definitely several times better than the face value of $7 or $8 in Chinese restaurants! First this face! It's really at the level of the noodles that I made first, it's very muscular! The sauce is the highlight! I used to eat Asher noodles, but I didn't like it very much. I thought that the sauce of Taiwan noodles was sweet and sour, so I didn't have good expectations for this noodles. But it turned out delicious enough to make me cry! You can taste the numbness of peppercorns, the salty and sweetness is particularly good, not sour, and the peppers are spicy enough, I like it! One bowl is not enough! # 晒单闪现抢积分 #
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Kiki椒麻拌面,别犹豫了,快去买! 是我到目前吃过最好吃的拌面。 kiki是舒淇、蓝心湄和陶晶莹合开的餐厅,估计是曾国城的曾拌面火了以后,她家也开始出拌面。我至今还没吃过曾(但有买,过几天测评),也是直到今天才尝试的kiki,主要原因还是贵。 kiki一整大包在超市售价在10-14刀不等(亚米、hmart和大华都有),里面有五包,算下来每一碗面3刀左右。但是我要说!大家不要因为价格就不去试,绝对比中餐馆7、8刀的面值好几倍! 首先这个面!真的到了先做的面的级别了,很筋道!酱是亮点!我本来吃过阿舍拌面,当时被捧上天,但我很不喜欢,以为台湾拌面的酱都是酸酸甜甜的,所以对这款拌面期待不好。但结果好吃到让我哭泣!能吃到花椒的麻感,咸甜中和的特别好,不酸,辣椒够辣,我喜欢! 吃一碗完全不够! # 晒单闪现抢积分 #