🌹🌹Yan value control finally got the Forbidden City makeup, I have been waiting for a long time, it really looks good, today I will show the blush of the Luodian series 🤣 🌹🌹Baidu: Snail is a unique traditional art treasure in China. The so-called snail refers to the use of snail shells and seashells (mainly luminous shells, also known as luminous salamanders) to grind into thin slices such as figures, flowers and birds, geometric figures or characters , a general term for the decorative craftsmanship that is inlaid on the surface of the utensils according to the needs of the picture. The word "Dian" in Luodian, according to the annotations in "Ci Hai", means inlaid decoration. Because snail is a natural thing with a natural beauty and a very strong visual effect, it is also one of the most common traditional decorative arts, and is widely used in lacquerware, furniture, musical instruments, screens, boxes, pots and dishes, wood carvings and related arts and crafts. 🌹🌹The shell design element of this blush comes from the treasured cultural relics of the Palace Museum - the black lacquer inlaid snail flower and bird Arhat bed, of course it cannot be the real snail craft, but it still looks as simple and elegant as the real one, similar to the piano lacquer The pure black background is covered with shell-colored flowers, birds and trees, which are very delicate and exude a strong ancient charm. Even the flannel cover delivered has an extremely delicate and lovely bright yellow auspicious cloud, it looks good 🤣 🌹🌹 The blush is tourmaline pink, it looks very good, but I bought it for the shell anyway, I don’t really care about the blush haha 😂😂 Everyone forgive me, the person who buys the pearls, obviously at least I can't bear to break it recently, just take a look 🤣 # 晒单闪现抢积分 # of 6
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yami_featured_image 🌹🌹颜值控终于拿到了故宫彩妆,真的等了很久很久了,真的好好看,今天先来晒晒螺钿系列的腮红🤣 🌹🌹百度一下:螺钿是中国特有的传统艺术瑰宝,所谓螺钿,是指用螺壳与海贝(主要是夜光贝,也称夜光蝾螺)磨制成人物、花鸟、几何图形或文字等薄片,根据画面需要而镶嵌在器物表面的装饰工艺的总称。螺钿的“钿”字,据《辞海》中注释,为镶嵌装饰之意。由于螺钿是一种天然之物,外观天生丽质,具有十分强烈的视觉效果,因此也是一种最常见的传统装饰艺术,被广泛应用于漆器、家具、乐器、屏风、盒匣、盆碟、木雕以及有关的工艺品上。 🌹🌹这款腮红的外壳设计元素来源于故宫博物院珍藏文物—黑漆嵌螺钿花鸟罗汉床,当然不可能是真的螺钿工艺,但是看起来依然如真品一样古朴典雅高贵优雅,类似钢琴漆的纯黑底色上面是贝色的花鸟树木,非常精致,散发着浓浓的古韵。就连配送的绒布套上都有一朵极其玲珑可爱的明黄色祥云,看着都心情好好啊🤣 🌹🌹 腮红是碧玺粉色的,看起来很不错,不过我反正是冲着外壳买的,腮红怎么样我也不是真的在意哈哈😂😂大家原谅我这个买椟还珠的人,显然至少近期我也舍不得破,就看看好了🤣 # 晒单闪现抢积分 # 之6 # 国货种草愿望清单 # # 美妆 #