#百万积分第六季 ##我要上精选 # #0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation2ebea4a85c084594a Material: Shredded carrots + Prince Ru + Japanese shallots Sauce: oyster sauce, sesame oil practice: 1. Carrots are fried until soft 2. Put in the prince mushroom and stir fry 3. Add some oyster sauce and sesame oil and cook until cooked 4. Add Japanese shallots and stir fry 5. Serve 😄😄😄 This is one of my mother's favorite dishes. It's very simple and very nutritious and healthy. It has a little oyster sauce for color, but it's actually very refreshing and easy to eat. No matter how you eat it, you won't get tired of it~
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# 百万积分第六季 ## 我要上精选 # # 复刻妈妈的拿手菜 # 材料: 紅蘿蔔絲+王子茹+日本青蔥 醬料: 蠔油、香油 做法: 1.紅蘿蔔現炒軟 2.放入王子菇拌炒 3.加入ㄧ點蠔油跟香油 煮到茹熟 4.放進日本青蔥再拌炒一下 5.上菜😄😄😄 這是我媽媽的家常拿手菜之一,非常簡單也非常營養健康,有加了一點蠔油上色,但其實吃起來非常清爽又下飯,怎麼吃都吃不膩口~