Go out for an outing 💐🍃🌱 The weather was really nice yesterday. I made an appointment with Mr.R to go for a walk in the park and play Frisbee. The weather in Tennessee is really hot, but the sky is clear and blue, dotted with a few clouds. The leaves that are green enough to drip oil, the ducks playing in the lake, it's all so beautiful☀️ The skirt is bought by Old Navy, and the price is cheap and affordable, like 25 dollars. Hanging on the shelf is very ordinary, but it has a retro taste to wear, and I like it very much. Bags: urban outfitters, bought at a discount last year, cheap and good-looking. Spring outings and picnics are all special in style. # 开年这样穿 # # 防晒我选它 # # 新春穿搭打卡 # # 温暖小家养成记 # # 趁着春光去旅行 #
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出门去踏青💐🍃🌱 昨天天气实在是太好了,和Mr.R约了去公园里散步,还能玩玩Frisbee。 田纳西的天气真是太热了,但是晴空万里,湛蓝的天空,洋洋洒洒的点缀着几朵云。绿到快要滴出油的树叶,在湖里嬉戏打闹的鸭子,这一切都真美好☀️ 裙子是Old navy买的,价格便宜实惠,好像25刀。挂在架子上很一般,但穿起来有点复古味道,很喜欢。 包包:urban outfitters,去年打折买的,便宜又好看。春游野餐,风格都特别搭。 # 开年这样穿 # # 防晒我选它 # # 新春穿搭打卡 # # 温暖小家养成记 # # 趁着春光去旅行 #