# 炸鸡安利 # Today I ate a spinach cheesecake from my roommate As a whole, the filling of this pie is not greasy, with spinach, cheese and onions. The filling is not salty but crispy and slightly salty. And this meringue really tastes really good if the baking time is just right! (We baked it at 350 degrees for about 40 to 50 minutes, and the temper of each oven is different.) There will be a sound when you knock it and the residue will fall off, and it is not oily at all! But I don't like puff pastry, I like the cookie-like texture of apple pie. The recommendation index is 7️⃣0️⃣, the relationship between personal tastes is more subjective, but roommates love to eat and are very addicted 😆😆
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# 炸鸡安利 # 今天吃了室友一块缺德舅的菠菜芝士酥饼 整體吃起來這個派內餡不膩,有菠菜,奶酪和洋蔥,餡不鹹反而是酥皮帶點鹹味。而且這個酥皮真的如果烤的時間剛好口感真的很到位!(我們是350度烤了大概四五十分鐘,每個烤箱脾氣不一樣。)敲起來都會有聲響還會掉渣,一點都不油!但我本身不愛吃酥皮,我喜歡蘋果派那種曲奇質地的派皮。 推薦指數7️⃣0️⃣,個人口味關係所以比較主觀,但室友超愛吃很上癮😆😆