# 准妈妈护肤品 # # 亚米断货王 # # 0Placeholder_for_esaay_translationdca5974de3344a719599 Today's Amway is Japan's popular 准妈妈护肤品: mama&kids - anti stretch mark cream. I bought a small bottle and tested it for a month and became a total brain-dead fan. Going to buy a big bottle. It feels super moisturizing after applying it to my belly. No additives and alcohol content. It is very suitable for expectant mothers or breastfeeding mothers. I read the introduction on the official website. This bottle of cream is a non-pigmenting, fragrance-free, weakly acidic, and low-irritant formula. The ingredients in the cream are natural, including argan oil, calendula, etc. Xiao Ai, this is my second time being a mother. The last time I was pregnant, I had stretch marks all over my belly. Almost scared myself to death. I used a lot of repairing oils to restore my belly. I have been using this pregnancy cream for over a month this pregnancy. No stretch marks on my belly yet. Highly recommended to expectant mothers! A small tip by the way: After applying, massage a few times to help the skin absorb the cream for a more pronounced effect.
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# 准妈妈护肤品 # # 亚米断货王 # # 无限回购 # 今天给大家安利的是日本火爆的准妈妈护肤品: mama&kids - 防妊娠纹霜。 我买了小瓶测试了一个月后就彻底成了脑残粉丝。准备买大瓶了。 涂上肚皮后感觉超级滋润。没有添加剂和酒精成份。非常适合准妈妈们或在喂奶的妈妈们使用我看了官网介绍,这瓶霜是无色素、无香料,弱酸性,低刺激配方。霜里所含成份天然,包括了摩洛哥坚果油、金盏花等。 小哀我这是第二次当妈妈。上一次怀孕妊娠纹怕遍了整个肚子。差点没吓死我自己。使用了好多款修复油才还原了肚皮。这次怀孕使用这款妊娠霜已经一个多月啦。肚子上还没有长妊娠纹。非常推荐给准妈妈们哦! 顺便添加个小tips:涂抹完后要轻轻按摩几下,这样可以促进皮肤吸收乳霜,实现更显著的效果。