Want Want Small Crisp, 爆款小零食 You must be familiar with the brand Want Want. There are all kinds of 爆款小零食, including this little cake. There are original flavor, black pepper flavor, scallion muscle flavor and so on. Personally, I think the best and most durable is the original flavor. Not too salty and not too greasy. A small packet is just right for a snack. One bite, the size is just right, the taste is also very good, crunchy and fragrant. It's perfect as a snack after a meal. 🥰 #无限回购 # #百万积分第六季 # #0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation7c7f0d17a30d421
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旺旺小小酥,爆款小零食 旺旺这个牌子大家肯定不陌生,各种爆款小零食,其中就包括这款小小酥。有原味,黑胡椒味,葱香肌肉味等。个人觉得最好吃最耐吃的还是原味。不会太咸不会太腻。一小包当零食吃刚刚好。一口一个,尺寸正合适,口感也很不错,脆脆香香的。作为茶余饭后的休息零食,再合适不过了。🥰 # 无限回购 # # 百万积分第六季 # # 爆款小零食 #