Wearing 💜 The skin in purple and blue is very white! A versatile light purple-blue knitted top, the texture is very comfortable, it is very cool to wear, very skin-friendly, and it is very high-quality when matched, and it is very flattering to wear! Most especially, it can adjust the design of the elastic back, which is very fashionable! # 我要当测评官第7期 # # 萌新报道 #
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穿搭💜 紫蓝色穿的肌肤很显白! 百搭的淡淡的紫蓝色调针织上衣,质感很舒服,穿起来很透凉、很亲肌肤,配搭起来还特别高质感,穿起来很讨人喜欢!最特别是它可以调整松紧后背的设计,很有时尚感! # 我要当测评官第7期 # # 萌新报道 #