# 三食三餐 # [San Leandro in the Bay Area has a Japanese restaurant that is also ok] I remember the name of this one: Lion King! I like this kind of surface covered with a layer of sauce, sweet, and then baked in it, the surface is a little crunchy and burnt~ And it's an upgraded version: there are scallops on it~ it's richer! ⚠️ However, this sushi roll is a bit greasy, I like light and cautious!
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# 三食三餐 # 【湾区San Leandro有家日餐也很ok】 这个我记得名字咯:Lion King! 我很喜欢这种面上浇上一层酱,甜甜的,然后进去焗烤一下,面上有点脆脆焦焦的口味~ 而且它这款还是升级版的:上面放了扇贝~层次更丰富啦! ⚠️不过这款sushi roll有点腻,喜欢清淡的慎重啦!