# 三食三餐 # There are various kinds of food in various places, and the one that Xiaocuner never gets tired of eating is Korean food. Kimchi tofu hotpot is my favorite, every time I order it, I can eat an extra bowl of rice 🍚, so I kept drooling throughout this article. Today, I recommend a Korean restaurant in Milwaukee, the largest city in Wisconsin: Seoul Korean Restaurant, which is an authentic Korean restaurant that has been open for more than ten years. For those who like authentic Korean food, we recommend Kimchi Pancake and Seafood Pancake (Pa. Jun) for their appetizers. The last one is Seafood Pancake, which has prawns, squid and clam meat, and the dipping sauce provided is only a little spicy. This pancake is perfect for the little ones at home, and they'll definitely be wound up. There is also an appetizer called Gim. Mal. Li Tui. Kim, which is roughly fried seaweed wrapped in rice noodles, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The taste is relatively mild and worth a try. Then came my personal favorite, Soon Doo Bu Chigae (Soft tofu with seafood into spicy stew)! In fact, most of the menus in Korean restaurants are transliterated in Korean. Different restaurants have different English names. It is recommended that you take more time to read the small English description of the menu and make sure to click on the one you want. For example, this dish I have always loved is called Tofu Hotpot in other Korean restaurants.
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# 三食三餐 # 各地美食五花八门,小村儿个人百吃不厌的就是韩国菜。Kimchi tofu hotpot是最爱,每次点它都能多吃一碗米饭🍚,因此写这篇文章全程不停地咽口水。 今天和大家推荐位于Wisconsin最大的城市 Milwaukee 的一家韩国餐厅:Seoul Korean Restaurant,它是一家开了十多年的正宗韩式餐馆。 喜欢正宗韩餐的小伙伴,前菜推荐它家的Kimchi Pancake 和 Seafood Pancake (Pa. Jun)。 最后一张是Seafood Pancake,有虾,鱿鱼和蚬子肉,提供的蘸料只有一点点辣。这道Pancake非常适合点给家里的小朋友,绝对被他们清盘。 还有一款前菜叫做 Gim. Mal. Li Tui. Kim, 大致是炸的海苔包着米粉,外酥里嫩,抱着尝尝鲜的态度点的,颇有新意。口味比较清淡,值得一试。 接着我个人最爱的 Soon Doo Bu Chigae (Soft tofu with seafood into spicy stew) 上桌啦!其实韩国餐馆大部分的menu还是韩文音译,不同餐馆有不同的英文名字的叫法,建议大家还是多花点时间看Menu的英文小字描述部分,确定点到自己想要的那份。比如我一直爱的这份菜品在别的韩国餐馆就叫Tofu Hotpot。