# 夏日香气 # Summer is inseparable from afternoon tea! Tea forte's tea has both beauty and strength. I bought a cherry blossom 🌸hanami last year. I like it very much. My mother is a tea addict. I usually drink tea from China. It's rare that she likes the taste Got two more boxes this year. A cherry blossom in a pink box🌸hanami One is a yellow box with 10 different flavors. I specially bought this different flavor. You can try each one See which flavor you prefer. On this hot afternoon. Chat with your family. Have a cup of tea🍵 very nice! !
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Yamiセレクション # 夏日香气 # 夏天离不开就是下午茶! tea forte的茶叶既有颜值又有实力. 去年买了一款樱花🌸hanami.我很是喜欢. 妈妈是个茶叶控.平时都是喝国内带出来的茶叶. 难得她也喜欢这个味道 今年又入了两盒. 一款还是粉色盒子包装的樱花🌸hanami 一款是黄色盒子包装的有10款不同口味. 特意买了这种不同口味的.可以每款都尝鲜一下 看看自己更喜欢哪种口味. 在这炎热的午后.陪家人聊聊天.喝杯茶🍵 真好!!