# 我要当测评官第10期 # The long-awaited evaluation of Chinese double-sided acupuncture toothpaste 🦷 I believe everyone is familiar with the word *double-sided needle. Although I don’t know what it means, the advertisements everywhere in every street and alley, whether it is TV or advertisements or posters on the street, are introduced~ Just look at the pictures to know! through! quick! use! over! ! ! When I first used it, I could feel the taste of Chinese medicine in my mouth~ However, it is normal. This is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic, which can help relieve gum problems. There are also many ingredients in Chinese medicine 🌿, such as fenugreek, Corydalis, cinnamon and so on! It seems to be quite effective. After all, there have been many packets of snail powder this month, and I have no pain after brushing my teeth. Babies can try
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# 我要当测评官第10期 # 姗姗来迟之中华两面针牙膏测评🦷 相信所有人都对*两面针 这个词都不陌生,虽然不知道啥意思这词但是每条大街小巷到处的广告无论是电视还是广告还是街上的海报都介绍~ 看图片就知道已!经!快!用!完!了!! 刚开始用的时候可以感觉满口的中药味~然而很正常,这款是消炎止痛,具有帮助减轻牙龈问题,中药🌿成分也是比较多的比如风轮菜、延胡索、肉桂等等! 感觉是蛮有效果的吧,毕竟这个月已经好多包螺狮粉麻辣烫下肚,刷完牙无痛感讷 宝宝们可以试试哟