# 双十一必囤 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # 8/11 This is the famous Japanese Kabaya Kyoho Grape Gummy. I bought it because the introduction said that it contains 1800mg of collagen. You know. Women love to eat and also love beauty. There are 10 soft candies in a pack. The price is 1.79. It is 12% off. If you don't buy it, you won't buy it. When you open the package, it has a very fragrant raisin flavor. It is very small. Fortunately, the taste is good. It is very chewy. .I finished another pack~ I don’t know how much my collagen supplemented
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Yamiセレクション # 双十一必囤 # # 爱吃又想瘦 # 8/11 这是日本小有名气的Kabaya 巨峰葡萄软糖.当初买它完全是因为介绍写着含胶原蛋白1800mg.你们懂得.女人爱吃也爱美. 一包里面有10几粒软糖.价格1.79.在88折.不买白不买呀.打开包装也是很香的提子味.但是一口咬下去.它的夹心并没有包装图片里的那么明显.是非常小的.好在口感不错.很有嚼劲.但是软软的.吃完第一粒.嘴巴和手上都有提子的余香.于是又一粒接着一粒.不知不觉.我又吃完一包了~不知道我的胶原蛋白补充了多少了