With a new toy, of course, enthusiasm is high. No, the first thing to try is vegetable noodles. There are a picky eater who doesn't like vegetables and a big friend who doesn't like carrots. Racked their brains to feed them vegetables. No, I immediately experienced green vegetable noodles and carrot noodles. Take this opportunity to operate the machine well. Making vegetable noodles is easy: 1️⃣ Rinse the vegetables with water. Peel and dice carrots. Both are crushed with a wall breaker and filtered. The strained vegetables can be added to flour to make vegetable cakes. 2️⃣According to the instructions, the proportion of 400g flour, 5g salt, and 140ml vegetable juice is added, and the flour is weighed. I also added an egg so the vegetable juice was reduced accordingly. 3️⃣ I performed the kneading process first, then woke up for half an hour, then started the strong noodle process and turned on the fan. 4️⃣Cut the noodles to the length you like and roll them up. Store in an airtight seal and refrigerate. The noodle maker is really convenient. And the noodles are kneaded twice, and the noodles will taste better when they wake up for a long time. The ratio of flour and water is strictly according to the recipe provided. The recipes are clearly displayed on the fuselage, and this design is really super thoughtful. There is a small drawer under the noodle maker to put all the molds in. Very convenient. If it can be bigger, it would be better to put all the measuring cups in. The above is a little bit of my experience. Thanks for watching
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Yamiセレクション 有了新玩具,当然热情高涨,这不,第一个尝试的就是蔬菜面。家有挑食不爱蔬菜的小朋友一名以及不爱胡萝卜大朋友一名。绞尽脑汁给他们吃蔬菜。这不,立刻体验了青菜面和胡萝卜面。 趁此机会,好好操作了一次机器。蔬菜面的制作很简单: 1️⃣青菜洗干净过水。胡萝卜去皮切块。两者用破壁机打碎,过滤。过滤出的蔬菜可以加面粉做成蔬菜饼。 2️⃣按照说明书,400g面粉,5g盐,加140ml蔬菜汁的比例,将面粉称重。我还加了一颗鸡蛋,所以蔬菜汁相应减少。 3️⃣我先进行了一遍揉面程序,然后醒面半小时,再开启劲道面条程序制作并打开风扇。 4️⃣将面条按照喜欢的长度剪短,卷好。放入密封保险带冷冻保存。 面条机真的好方便。而且2次和面,长时间醒面让面条的口感更加好。面粉和水的配比严格按照提供的食谱操作就可以了。食谱在机身上有很清楚的显示,这个设计真的超级贴心。面条机下方有个小抽屉,可以把所有的模具放进去。非常方便。如果能更大一些,将量杯都收进去就更好啦。 以上就是我的一点点体验啦。感谢观赏