What fairy snack is this 🍪 Salted Egg Yolk Beef Bread! I want to know everything about salted egg yolk~ Hahaha! I fell in love with it after eating it once. Wow, I actually found the same style in Yami! If you really want to pick faults, it's a little expensive~ 😭 But the taste is so delicious that I can't stop! ! I have always loved nougat cookies 🍪! This is a salted egg yolk flavor and it's so mini and cute~ The part of the biscuit is crispy and the part of the nougat is salty and sweet! Friends who like salted egg yolk, don't miss it, you must try it! # 今天也是yami的一天 # # 即食美味 # # 如7而至 # # 疫情宅家 #
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Yamiセレクション 这是什么神仙零食🍪咸蛋黄牛扎饼! 关于咸蛋黄的一切我都想要了解~ 哈哈哈! 吃过一次就爱上了哇居然真在亚米找到同款! 如果真的要挑毛病的话就是有点小贵啊~ 😭 可是它的味道是真的好吃到停不下来!! 我之前就一直都很喜欢吃牛轧糖饼干🍪! 这款是咸蛋黄味的而且好迷你特可爱啊~ 饼干的部分很脆牛扎糖的部分咸甜适口! 喜欢咸蛋黄的朋友别错过啊一定要试试啊! # 今天也是yami的一天 # # 即食美味 # # 如7而至 # # 疫情宅家 #