# 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 💅🏻After two days of rain, the temperature dropped immediately. Looking at the warm sunshine this morning☀️It was actually very cold, and before you knew it, it was late autumn. Before autumn is over, come and paint your nails with an autumn color~ 💅🏻Brand: 3CE Product Name: Mood Recipe Long lasting glossy nail polish Shade: #BR05 Net content: 10ml Yami selling price: $5.99 💅🏻This one is very easy to apply, smooth and easy to color, and the color is really beautiful. I deliberately applied two kinds of paint with two hands. One side was only painted once, it was a very soft caramel color, and the other side was painted twice according to my usual habit, which is a very elegant reddish-brown. Both colors are particularly white, and Perfect for fall! 💅🏻Now a variety of color numbers are in stock, if you like it, hurry up and place an order~
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Yamiセレクション # 世界对你狂轰乱炸 亚米给你花式快乐 # 💅🏻下了两天雨气温一下就降下来了,今天早上看着暖暖的阳光☀️其实特别凉,不知不觉已经到了深秋了。趁秋天还没有过去,快来给指甲涂一个秋天的颜色吧~ 💅🏻品牌:3CE 品名:Mood Recipe 持久亮泽指甲油 色号:#BR05 净含量:10ml 亚米售价:$5.99 💅🏻这款特别好涂,顺滑好上色,而且颜色真的特别漂亮。我特意两个手涂了两种,一边只涂了一遍,是非常柔美的焦糖色,另一边按照我平时的习惯涂两遍,就是非常优雅的红棕色,两个颜色都特别显白,而且非常适合秋天! 💅🏻现在多款色号都有货,喜欢的小伙伴赶快去下单吧~