# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # This is my second bottle of VIDIVICI facial cleanser. Really easy to use. The second bottle is almost half of the bottle left. So I recommend it to everyone here. It has a name: Goddess Facial Cleanser. It is also said that VIDIVICI is a cheap substitute for Chanel Camellia. The looks are really similar. But it's also amazing on the inside. It contains more than 40 moisturizing ingredients. There are also hyaluronic acid and various herbal formulas. Fairies with sensitive skin are no longer afraid. The ingredients are super mild. Use with confidence. After washing, my face doesn't feel tight at all. Also very silky and moisturizing. The foam is also very dense and rich. I think it's also very clean. There is a tendency for blackheads to decrease. Now Yamibuy has a discount. The price is pretty good.
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# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 这是我用VIDIVICI洗面奶第二瓶了. 真心好用.第二瓶也快半瓶不剩了. 所以在这里也推荐给大家. 它有一个名字:女神洗面奶. 还有说VIDIVICI是香奈儿山茶花平价代替品. 颜值确实蛮像的哦. 但是它的内在也是很赞哦. 它含有40多种的保湿成分. 还有透明质酸和各种草本植物配方. 敏感肌的仙女们也不怕了. 成分超温和.放心使用. 洗完以后.脸完全不紧绷. 还特别的丝滑滋润. 泡沫也特别的浓密丰富. 我觉得洗的也特别的干净. 黑头有变少的趋势. 现在亚米网商城有折扣中哦. 价格蛮好的.