# 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # I highly recommend you a delicious Laotan pickled vegetable. That is. Hongbin old altar pickled vegetables. Purchased from Yamibuy.com. Hongbin Laotan's pickled vegetables are not simply salty. Its sour taste is very powerful. It is a little spicy. This sauerkraut can be eaten in many ways. It says you can eat right out of the bag. But I don't recommend eating it alone. Because it has a very strong sauerkraut flavor. More suitable for cooking hot and sour soup. Stir-fried meat. Or add it to rice noodles like I did. I think eating soup noodles is the best in autumn and winter! Yes. One of the essences of eating rice noodles is sauerkraut. Add some pickled vegetables to the soup. The soup is really delicious. Delicious and refreshing. Unforgettable aftertaste.
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Yamiセレクション # 2020亚米惊喜瞬间 # 强烈推荐你一款好吃的老坛酸腌菜. 那就是.宏斌老坛酸腌菜. 购买于自亚米网. 宏斌老坛酸腌菜不是单纯咸那种. 它的酸味非常给力.带着点儿辣. 这款酸菜可以有多种吃法. 写着可以直接开袋即吃. 不过我不建议直接单独食用. 因为它的酸菜味非常浓郁. 比较适合用来煮酸辣汤.炒肉. 或者像我这样加入米线里. 我觉得秋冬季节吃汤面最爽了吧! 是的.吃米线的精华之一就是酸菜了. 往汤里加些酸腌菜. 汤汁真的好喝到不行. 美味爽口. 让人余味无穷.