# 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # I really don't want to miss every product of the Bai family. This time I saw their new product called Baijia Yuanqi Fan Mouse. Don't worry, it's not a real Jerry mouse. It is a specialty of the Northeast. Made with potato and tapioca starch. One by one. It's as big as a thumb. So it's called a pink mouse. There are two ways to make this powder mouse. You can mix it dry. You can also eat it with dipping. If I'm lazy, of course I choose dry mix. Cook directly. Pour all the sauce in. Mix well and serve. Simple and rude~ Then talk about the taste. Very soft. But slippery and Q-bomb. It's a bit like eating Korean fried rice cakes that have been boiled for a long time. This one says medium spicy. Slightly spicy to me. Because the taste is sweet. So cover some spicy. The seasoning is really delicious. Because the pink rat is a hollow design. So not only is it easy to cook, but the taste is also very uniform inside and out. It is recommended to add some vegetables and enoki mushrooms and eat them together. Hmm. That's how I eat my second pack. tastes great
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Yamiセレクション # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 # 白家的每一款产品我真的都不想错过. 这次看见它们的新品叫白家元气·粉耗子. 放心不是真的Jerry耗子. 而是一种东北的特产. 用马铃薯和木薯淀粉制作而成的. 一根一根的.有大拇指那么大块.所以叫粉耗子. 这件粉耗子有两种做法.可以干拌.也可以蘸着吃. 比较懒的我当然选干拌. 直接煮好.酱料全部都倒进去. 搅拌均匀即可开吃. 简单粗暴~ 接着说说口感. 非常的软.但是又滑溜Q弹. 有点像在吃煮很久了的韩国炒年糕的感觉. 这款写着中辣.对我来说微辣. 因为口味偏甜.所以盖过些辣度. 调料真的非常香. 因为粉耗子是空心的设计. 所以不仅好煮.而且里里外外的口感也是很均匀. 建议自己在加一些蔬菜.金针菇一起拌着吃. 嗯.我第二包就是这样吃. 味道棒极了