💚Another new noodle dish! "Uncle Ya's Sour Pepper Beef Noodles" is a type that has never been eaten before. I think it is not bad when I try it for the first time, especially my family members like this taste. 💚Brand: Yashu Product Name: Beef Noodles with Sour Peppers Net content: 170g Yami Price: $2.99 💚There is a bag of dried noodles and a bag of mixed fabrics, which is slightly monotonous. The picture is very thin, the taste is better than ordinary vermicelli, cook the vermicelli for 3-4 minutes after the water is boiled, remove and add the sauce and stir well. If you like it smoother, you can pass the cooked noodles. When I put the water, I mixed it directly without water, and it was a little dry. 💚The taste is not the same as the spicy noodles I have eaten in the past. It is indeed not very good to describe the specific taste. The taste is not very strong, but the more I eat it, the more spicy it is, the more I eat it, the more delicious it is. Son, the rest of the family members ate it and he thought it was delicious. This one is still a lot of cooking. 💚 Friends who like the taste of sour pepper can try it~ # 即食美味 # # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 #
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Yamiセレクション 💚又一款新品拌面!「雅叔 酸椒牛肉拌面」是以前没吃过的类型,首次尝试我觉得还不错,尤其家属特别喜欢这个口味。 💚品牌:雅叔 品名:酸椒牛肉拌面 净含量:170g 亚米售价:$2.99 💚里面有一包挂面和一包拌面料,略显单调。画面是很细的那种,口感比普通挂面好味好吃一些,水开后煮挂面3-4分钟,捞出加入酱料搅拌均匀即可,喜欢爽滑一点的可以把煮好的面条过一下水,我没过水直接拌的稍微有点儿干。 💚口味跟以往吃的香辣拌面不太一样,的确也不是很好形容具体的味道,味道没有很浓郁,但是越吃越觉得辣是真的,我吃了几口觉得越吃越有味儿,剩下家属都吃了他觉得很好吃,这一份煮好量还不少。 💚喜欢酸椒口味的小伙伴们可以试试哦~ # 即食美味 # # 亚米宝藏新品大赏 #