# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # Let me recommend a small bread suitable for outings, which is this Panpan hand-pulled bread. There are many in one pack, perfect for sharing with friends. Whether it's for breakfast, or to satisfy hunger while traveling. All are good choices. The bread is very layered, the slogan is layers of soft, fragrant layers, and the brown sugar flavor is full. It will be more delicious if there is a chance to heat it. Very full, I usually eat one or two and I'm full.
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# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 # 我来推荐一款适合郊游吃的小面包,就是这个盼盼手撕面包啦。一大包有好多个,很适合和朋友们一起分享。 无论是当早餐,还是旅行途中抵饿。都是不错的选择。面包做的很有层次,口号是层层酥软,层层香,黑糖风味很足。 如果有机会加热会更好吃。很抵饱,平时吃一两个就饱了。