# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #【Yami Cuisine】Yangji Shanye Nanchang Mixed Noodles - delicious and authentic! 🥰🥰 This Yangji Shanye Nanchang Mixed Noodle was recommended by a friend. It is said that the major anchors recommended the new model. I can't wait to open it and try it when I get the goods. The taste is really good, with Jiangxi characteristics. Its powder mix package is very rich, including six sauce packages, and you can have everything you want: special sauce soup package, pickle package, radish strips, crispy peanuts, freeze-dried chopped green onion, chili oil, sesame oil, Peanut rice is especially recommended, very fragrant and crisp! The fans are made of Jiangxi early rice, which has good toughness, smoothness and elasticity. It is very delicious, but it takes a little longer to cook. It is very simple to do, the process is as follows: 1. Cook rice noodles in cold water over high heat, 10-15 minutes after the water boils (according to your personal preference), when the noodles are about to be cooked, add chopped green onion, and remove the powder and chopped green onion; 2. Add other ingredients and mix well. Isn't it very simple! I also like to fry one or two poached eggs and eat them together in the flour, which is more fragrant and fuller! In short, I am really happy to be able to eat such delicious and authentic mixed noodles in a foreign country!
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Yamiセレクション # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #【亚米美食】阳际山野南昌拌粉—好吃地道!🥰🥰 这款阳际山野的南昌拌粉是朋友推荐的,据说是各大主播力荐新款,拿到货迫不及待地打开尝试啦,味道果然非常棒,很有江西特色,不失为一款地道的干拌粉! 它家的拌粉料包特别丰富,含六大酱料包,想吃的酱料包应有尽有:特质酱汤包、腌菜包、萝卜条、脆花生米、冻干葱花、辣椒油、香油,花生米值得特别推荐,很香很脆!粉丝精选江西早稻米制成,韧性好,香滑q弹,非常好吃,就是需要煮的时间稍长一点。 它的做法十分简单,过程如下: 1.米粉冷水下锅大火煮,水开后10-15分钟(根据个人喜欢的软硬度),粉即将煮好时,放入葱花,将粉和葱花捞出; 2.加入其他配料拌匀即可。 是不是十分简单呢!我还喜欢煎一两个荷包蛋放粉里一起吃,更香更饱!总之,能在异国他乡吃到这么美味地道的拌粉真的很幸福喔!