# 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #I bought two packs of Calbee Jagarico potato crispy sticks at YAMI Yami, one of which is seaweed and the other is butter. I explained in advance that I only ate two in a pack, and the rest were eaten by my family. Yes, just throw the junk food to him, who told me not to eat it😭 The packaging design of this crispy stick is very thoughtful, with a sealing strip, you are not afraid of the tide if you can't finish it at one time, just seal it and eat it next time👍 The bagged version of the potato crispy stick is 45mm smaller than the cup, and the fat is reduced by 30%. It tastes healthier, more hygienic, and is more convenient to carry. Calbee carefully selects farm potatoes🥔, from the selection, planting, cultivation and transportation of potatoes, the whole process is guided and buttoned. The seaweed visible to the naked eye on the crispy stick has the concentrated nutrition and deliciousness of potatoes. Speaking of taste, this crispy stick is very different from the Calbee fries that are usually eaten. Because the fat is reduced, it will not feel very greasy, and even if you hold it in your hand, you will not see a layer of grease. It tastes hard, but it is crunchy when you bite it. The seaweed is full of flavor, and it also has the fragrance of potatoes. The deliciousness is still the same. In general, if you don't like hard taste, your baby may not be able to accept it, but if you want to try it, you can buy a small packet and try it, maybe you will become addicted to eating it!
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Yamiセレクション # 开箱大吉 牛转钱坤 #在YAMI 亚米 买了两包卡乐比Jagarico土豆脆棒,其中一款是海苔味的,另一款是黄油。事先说明,一包里面我只吃了两条,其余的都是家属吃的。对,把垃圾食物丢给他吃就对了,谁让我不能吃呢😭 这款脆棒的包装设计很走心,有密封条,一次吃不完不怕潮,只要封着下次吃也行👍 袋装版的土豆脆棒比杯装的缩至45mm,脂肪降低30%,吃起来更健康、更卫生,携带也更方便。 卡乐比严选农场土豆🥔,从土豆的选种、种植、栽培到运输,全程指导,环环把扣。脆棒上肉眼可见的紫菜,有土豆的浓缩营养和美味。 说起口感,这款脆棒跟平日吃的卡乐比薯条很不一样,因为脂肪降低了所以吃起来不会感到非常油腻,即使拿在手中也不会看到一层油脂。吃起来是硬硬的,但咬起来却又脆脆的,海苔味十足,也有土豆的清香,美味依旧。 总体而言,如果不喜欢硬口感的宝宝可能不太能接受,但如果想尝鲜也可以买一小包试试,也许你吃着吃着就上瘾了呢!