# 夏日清凉 # Too hot to cook in summer? Buy a bag of hi hi hi sausage and leave the rest to the rice cooker! Every time I restock, I must stock up on a bag of the first-class white oil sausage, which is the taste of Cantonese-style sausage, and it is sweet. A bag contains five pouches vacuum packed, two in each pouch. Two sticks are about 100 calories, and the calories are not particularly high. You can chop up the sausages for fried rice, which is very fragrant, but the easiest way is to cut them into small pieces and throw them into the rice cooker to cook the rice! The steps are as follows👇 1⃣️After washing the rice, add water according to the normal cooking water. 2⃣️ Cut the sausage into small pieces and add it, then add some frozen vegetables (corn kernels, green beans, diced carrots, etc.). 3⃣️Add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, olive oil/sesame oil, a little chicken essence and black pepper. You can adjust it according to your appetite and personal taste. 4⃣️ Stir and stir, all the ingredients are mixed well and the rice is ready to cook. Press the button to cook white rice. The rice cooker is also bought from Yami. It is a mini rice cooker from Aroma, which is especially suitable for small families of 2-3 people. You can press the white rice button to cook the rice, and it will take about half an hour to get it done.
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Yamiセレクション # 夏日清凉 # 夏天太热懒得做饭?买一袋喜上喜的香肠,剩下的交给电饭煲就好啦! 每次补货必囤一袋喜上喜的一级白油肠,是广式腊肠的口感,偏甜口。一袋里面有真空包装的五小袋,每小袋里两根。两根就100大卡左右,热量不是特别高。 可以把香肠切碎炒菜炒饭,特别香,不过最简单的还是直接切小块丢进电饭煲里焖饭!步骤如下👇 1⃣️淘米之后按正常煮饭的水量加水。 2⃣️腊肠切小块加进去,再倒入一些冷冻蔬菜(玉米粒、青豆、红萝卜丁等)。 3⃣️加入生抽、老抽、蚝油、橄榄油/香油、一丢丢鸡精和黑胡椒。根据饭量和个人口味调节即可。 4⃣️搅拌搅拌,所有的材料拌匀就可以开始煮饭啦。按煮白米饭的按键就可以了。 电饭煲也是在亚米上买的,是Aroma的一款迷你电饭煲,2-3人的小家庭吃特别合适。焖饭按white rice的键就可以,大概半个小时左右就可以搞定。