# 亚米返校季 # Student Party Fast Food DIY~ Tian Xiaohua was very popular when Yami was just on the shelves, and I only eat it now when I bought it at a discount. There are potato powder, sauce bag (medium spicy), vegetable bag, vinegar bag in it. I boiled a bag of potato flour and made Mala Tang for two. I added a lot of water but only half of the sauce packet was added. Slightly spicy, but not too bland, I added a little extra soy sauce to taste. The vegetable buns and vinegar buns are all added, and it is me who has to add vinegar every time I eat Malatang 😂 First lay two eggs, boiled the eggs and added some leftover meatballs from the hot pot and homemade frozen tofu. Add various seasonings, add potato powder and cook for 3-5 minutes, a lettuce is cooked, and finally sprinkle a little chopped green onion and sesame seeds for garnish. A large pot of Mala Tang is done with a low cost. It is rich in nutrients and delicious! The potato flour itself is very flexible, and the amount is quite large. The taste of the ingredients is good, which is very suitable for DIY into Mala Tang / Mala Mix / Small Hot Pot. After eating, I went out to take out the trash and came back, I felt as if I had strayed into a Mala Tang shop 😂 Recommended index: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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Yamiセレクション # 亚米返校季 # 学生党快手速食DIY~ 田小花在亚米刚上架的时候就挺火的,趁打折买回来现在才吃。 里面有土豆粉、酱料包(中辣)、菜包、醋包。 我煮了一包土豆粉,做成了两人份的麻辣烫,水加得挺多的但是酱料包只加了一半。 微微辣,但口味不会太淡,我有额外稍微加了一点酱油进行调味。 菜包和醋包全加了,每次吃麻辣烫都要加醋的就是我嘿嘿😂 先卧了两个鸡蛋,鸡蛋煮定型后加了一些乱七八糟之前火锅吃剩的丸子以及自制的冻豆腐。加入各种调料,再加土豆粉煮3-5分钟,一颗生菜烫熟,最后撒一点葱花和芝麻提香点缀。 成本不高的一大锅麻辣烫就搞定啦,营养丰富,吃得可太香了! 土豆粉本身非常Q弹,量也挺大的,料包味道不错,非常适合加料DIY成麻辣烫/麻辣拌/小火锅。 吃完出去倒个垃圾回来感觉仿佛误入了麻辣烫店😂 推荐指数:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟