# 2021赏月计划 # I really have sugar in my hands all the time. I have eaten strawberry candy from Japan Kanxintang Seika before and like it very much. So I wanted to go to Yami and look for it. The Ganxintang Confectionery on Naihe Yami only has matcha milk flavor. It is also a new product from Yami. Okay. Try a pack. The packaging of the matcha flavor is definitely green. Very fresh summer feeling. The candies inside are individually packaged. Tear open the package. You can smell the fragrance of matcha tea. It also smells of milk. It smells really good. The milk in the candy comes from Made from Japan's own Shizuoka Tanah Ranch milk. No added fragrance and coloring. The refreshing sweetness and bitterness of the matcha latte goes really well with the natural flavor of milk. Nothing to do. I like a few to put in my mouth. It also makes the breath sweet. Hee hee
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Yamiセレクション # 2021赏月计划 # 我真的时时刻刻都是糖不离手. 之前吃过日本·甘信堂製菓的草莓糖很是喜欢. 于是想去亚米上找找看有没有. 奈何亚米上的甘信堂製菓只有抹茶牛奶口味. 也是亚米上的新品. 好吧.来一包试试. 抹茶口味的包装肯定以绿色为主. 蛮清新夏日的感觉的. 里面的糖果都是独立包装的. 撕开包装. 就能闻到抹茶的清香了. 还带着牛奶的香味. 着实好闻. 糖果里含有的牛奶来自 日本自家的靜岡丹那牧场牛奶制成的. 无添加香料色素. 抹茶拿铁的清爽甜苦味和牛奶的天然风味真的好搭. 闲来无事. 来几颗含在嘴里很是喜欢. 还让口气香甜了呢.嘻嘻