# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 6. Let’s recommend # Bashu Family Sichuan Self-heating Hot Pot#. I haven't been to Sichuan, so I don't know what Sichuan's hot pot Maocai tastes like. The taste of this box is very similar to the boiled fish seasoning from a good family, and it is also very close to the spicy hot pot base seasoning in Tongdelai and some other hot pot restaurants in Northeast China, which is my favorite flavor 🤗. It seems to be 11 knives, which is quite expensive. After I bought it, I realized where it was expensive. When I opened the package, I understood what self-heating hot pot is, with two layers up and down. Put the self-heating pack in the bottom box, then pour in a little hot water, and then put the shallow box on the top of the lightspeed bar. It must be the speed of light, because it takes less than 2s after adding cold water, and the heat starts to come up. The box above me is not on the side, it was placed in the back... It wasn't hot at first, just white gas... It still scared me😂😂😂 Before putting the white box on the top, put the seasoning bag and vegetable bag in it (the plain hairy belly tastes good, and it is not much different from the real hairy belly), I also put cold rapeseed and frozen fish balls, also add cold water ❗I am also worried that the things I will put in too cold will affect the heating effect... Actually no, this heating effect is really great😳. The box says to close the lid and wait 15 minutes, and it's better to wait another 5 minutes for a quick-frozen product like me. When eating, the bottom will keep heating, and you can hear the sound of heating and smoking. The soup will not boil after opening, but the temperature is really hot😏😏😏. The weight of a box should be enough for a girl with an average appetite to eat, which is very fun. It's a good idea to bring a camping picnic or mountain climbing, as long as there is water. Is it unnecessary to stay at home? In addition, the box above is a bit small, and it is very difficult to add food by yourself. In addition, the spiciness is quite good. It is recommended not to add half of it if it is not very spicy, but the saltiness will also decrease. The only disadvantage is that it is too numb? I can eat it, but my mouth is sour when I drink water after eating...
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Yamiセレクション # 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 6.来推荐一下 # 巴蜀世家 四川自热火锅#。没去过四川,不知道四川的火锅冒菜到底是啥味。这个盒子的味道很像好人家的水煮鱼调料,也很接近彤德莱和一些其他东北的火锅店里的麻辣火锅底料味,是我喜欢的味道🤗。似乎是11刀,挺贵的,买回来之后才知道贵在哪儿了😂。 打开包装我才明白啥叫自热火锅,上下两层。最下面的盒子里放自热包,然后倒入不多的热水,紧接着就光速吧上面的浅盒子放上去。一定要光速,因为加了凉水后也就2s不到,热气就开始上来了。我上面的盒子没在边上,是后放的…最开始倒是不热,光冒白气…还是吓到我了😂😂😂。 上面的白盒子放上去之前要在里面码好调料包蔬菜包(素毛肚味道挺好的,跟真毛肚差别不大),我还放了凉的油菜和冷冻的鱼丸,也是加凉水❗我还担心会放的东西太凉会影响发热效果...实际上不会,这个发热效果可真是杠杠的😳。盒子上写着扣盖子等15分钟,像我这种加了速冻产品的最好再多等5分钟。吃的时候下面也会一直加热,能听到那种加热冒烟的声音。打开之后汤汁不会沸腾,但是温度确实是很烫的那种😏😏😏。 一个盒子的分量应该够饭量一般的姑娘吃一顿了,挺好玩的。这要是去露营野餐爬山啥的带一个挺好的,只要有水就行了。在家的话没啥必要了?另外就是上面的盒子有点小,自己加菜挺难的。另外就是辣度挺好,不是极能吃辣的建议不要放一半,不过那样的话咸度也会下降就是了……唯一的缺点大概是太麻了?我可以吃,不过吃完后喝水的时候嘴巴反酸……