# 2022双节快乐 # Saw sugar lotus root on Yami in late December last year I don't know if the inventory can last until the year before, so I will buy it back. A whole sealed package of sugar lotus root has a full kilogram, which is enough The price is only $6.99 really good value I was thirsty after I received it, I always wanted to eat it Hide it in the corner of the refrigerator and wait until the Chinese New Year to see it again This is ready-to-eat right out of the bag, no need to steam it, super convenient Take it out and slice it directly The taste will be better if you turn the microwave a little During the video, my parents were shocked when they saw my candied lotus root and said they could buy it too. It's really the highlight of the New Year's Eve dinner. The glutinous rice inside is super glutinous and has no hard core The degree of softness and hardness of lotus root is just right, a little crispy on the outside and soft and glutinous in the middle The aroma of sweet-scented osmanthus can also be smelled, and it is covered with a layer of sweet-scented osmanthus syrup It won't feel sweet and greasy, just the taste of home when I was a child Teammate, this northerner ate sugar lotus for the first time Said not to be very used to eating Ha, then give me all to eat! ! For the next two days, my staple food will be sugar lotus root. I ate it for three days, and I still don't know what to do. I don't know if Yami only had sugar lotus root a few years ago I hope that there are usually goods available to relieve my cravings. Otherwise, I have to wait until next year to buy it before the Chinese New Year 😭
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Yamiセレクション # 2022双节快乐 # 去年十二月下旬在亚米上看到了糖藕 也不知道库存能不能撑到年前 就买回来再说 一整个密封包装的糖藕 有足足一斤 分量很够 价格只要$6.99 真的合算 收到之后就馋啊 一直想吃 藏在冰箱的角落里 一直等到过年才让它重见天日 这款是开袋即食 不用上锅蒸 超方便 拿出来之后直接切片就可以了 微波炉稍微转一下口感会更好 视频的时候爸妈看到我的糖藕都惊了 说这也能买到 真的是年夜饭的点睛之笔啊 里面的糯米超级糯 没有硬芯 藕的软硬程度也正合适 外面有点脆 中间略软糯 桂花的香气也能闻到 外面包裹了一层桂花糖浆 吃起来不会觉得甜腻 就是小时候家里的味道呀 队友这个北方人第一次吃糖藕 表示不是很吃得惯 哈 那就都给我吃!! 后面两天我的主食就都是糖藕了 一共吃了三天才吃完 还是意犹未尽啊 不知道亚米是不是只有年前才会有糖藕 希望平时也能有货 让我解解馋呀 不然只能等明年过年前再买了😭