# 2022双节快乐 # The cookies that I got in the live broadcast room for $0.1 seconds The packaging is really cute, the little girl and the big fat orange When opened, there were only six individually wrapped cookies in the box This cookie doesn't break so easily Got it in perfect condition It still tastes very soft When you bite into the cookie, it melts in your mouth. The appearance of the cookie and the packaging are almost 1:1 reduction It's like popping out of the picture Baking tools have not arrived yet I want to start learning how to bake The first thing I want to try is the biscuits/cookies I don't know when I will be able to make such a beautiful latte cookie full of anticipation haha
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# 2022双节快乐 # 之前在直播间$0.1秒杀到的曲奇 包装真的太可爱了 小女孩和大胖橘 打开之后发现一盒里面只有六颗单独包装的曲奇 这款曲奇没有那么容易碎 拿到手都是完好无损的 吃起来依然非常酥酥软软 一口咬下去曲奇就在嘴巴里融化啦 曲奇的样子和包装上几乎1:1还原 好像从画面里蹦出来一样耶 买的烘焙工具还没到 最近想开始学做烘焙 第一个想尝试的就是饼干/曲奇 不知道自己啥时候才能做出这么好看的拉花曲奇 充满期待哈哈