
The best looking mouthwash

Hi, everyone, my name is your name, a name without a name.

Having a dog and a set of steel teeth, the dog's name is rag, a rag of rags.

I love shopping and I have stepped on countless thunders, and I want to share all the good things I have used with the fairies of Yami

As a steel-toothed girl who has been living peacefully with Bracers for 743 days~

We are familiar with all kinds of dental cleaning products, and mouthwash is naturally the first. I have been with me for 743 days, and I have drank about 20 kinds of mouthwashes. In order to have a good tooth, from Crest with 7 effects, Colgate is needed for whitening, and Listerine, which is so spicy when you enter the fruity Oral b, and the so-called The lion king that Japanese girls will use.

Until I met Faye Wong's same mouthwash---Bina's Propolis Mouthwash

Yami can buy it! Um!

This mouthwash won the second place in the "Oral Cleaning Products" of the Cosme Awards in Japan, and it is a tooth cleaner that can rinse out flocs! It can combine and solidify bacteria and proteins such as residues in the mouth, such as teeth, interdental, tongue coating, etc., and then discharge the mouth with mouthwash, and form a protective film on the surface of the teeth to prevent oral bacteria from attaching to the surface of the teeth. (Since the picture of mouthwash is too aesthetically pleasing, I won't show it to you) 👀

Also removes odor and bad breath-causing ingredients for fresh breath. Cleaning the places where the toothbrush cannot reach can maintain healthy oral hygiene and effectively prevent dentin atrophy and the growth of periodontal plaque.

As a braces star who has used many kinds of mouthwashes, I pride myself on being immune to the best mouthwashes, but I have to say, this mouthwash is still amazing~

There is no tingling sensation in the mouth, and it is also very friendly to oral damage. The sediment after gargling makes people feel very relieved, and all the hidden dirt in the mouth is rinsed out. Although the mouth will be astringent after using the mouthwash, and I just want to drink the super strong tea, but it does not affect my love for it at all!

Finally, I will give you a steel tooth. I wish all the fairies can have a good tooth~ I will give you a cute pen refill ❤️

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