# 好物11道来 # Fanweixiang Hengyang Braised Noodles Classic Original Hunan Special Rice Noodles 300g. I give a big bad review. Although the small bags in the package are marked as sesame oil, sour beans and so on, it's good, but the diced radish and sour beans are not very good, and they are also salty. The marinade sauce is nothing special... The taste of the little raccoon instant noodle seasoning powder packet? ? ? The entire back is full of English ingredient lists, and there is no production method at all. I went to the comment area to search, some people boiled it and some people microwaved it for 2-3 minutes... It is said that the noodles are very easy to rot or break, if they cook for a long time. However, I just threw it into the pot? ? ? Broken right away? ? ? I haven't started cooking yet? ? ? It's not good to eat, so I threw away half of it. 【19】

# 好物11道来 # 粉唯湘 衡阳卤粉 经典原味 湖南特色米粉 300g。我给个大大大差评。虽然包装里面小袋子都标注是香油啊酸豆角什么的还挺好,但是萝卜丁和酸豆角也不出彩,还齁咸。卤料汁也没什么特别的...小浣熊方便面调料粉包的味儿???整个背面被英文的成分表贴的满满的,制作方法压根没有。我去评论区搜,有人水煮有人微波炉打2-3分钟...说面条挺容易烂或者碎掉的,煮久的话。然而我这,刚扔进锅里???直接就碎了???我还没开始煮???吃着也不好吃,吃了一半就扔了。【19】