# 亚米经验值+1 # Wugu Daochang Instant Noodles Sour Bamboo Beef Noodles Bowl 118g. 35. There is no indication on the box that you have to wait for a few minutes, but the instant noodles always wait for two or three minutes, so it doesn't matter. There is a water injection line inside, but it's very difficult to tell, especially after you add water.... The noodles are very strong, I think they are stronger than Master Kong's noodles, and after opening the lid, the finished product has a slightly sour taste, isn't it the taste of spicy beef noodles? I said that the smell is a bit like anti-rat, spicy beef. At that time, the taste was a little more sour, sour bamboo shoots, and a little bit fragrant. To be honest, it was really delicious, beyond my expectation.
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# 亚米经验值+1 # 五谷道场 方便面 酸笋肥牛面 碗装 118g。35.这个盒子上面根本没有说要等几分钟,不过泡面都是等个两三分钟,所以倒是也无所谓。里面是有注水线的,但是非常的难辨人,尤其是当你加了水之后...。面条很劲道,我觉得比康师傅的面条劲道的多,然后打开盖子之后成品一股微微酸的康,是不是香辣牛肉面味儿?我说气味儿吃着也有一点像抗鼠,香辣牛肉。味道那时候多了一点酸碎,酸笋味,一点点香味儿。说实话,真的做的很好吃,出乎了我的意料。