# 全球购 # Japan's SEIKI soybean flour mochi glutinous rice cake daifuku, the packaging is very Japanese style and very simple, it comes with a pack of black syrup! Each mochi is coated with soybean flour and is very fragrant, and drizzled with a little black syrup for even more flavor! But the taste is not as soft and waxy as expected, a bit firmer! It tastes sweeter too! Eating two or three at a time is enough!
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# 全球购 # 日本SEIKI世起 黄豆粉麻薯糯米糍大福,很日式的包装也很简易,里面附带一包黑糖浆!每个麻薯都裹满了黄豆粉很香,再淋上一点黑糖浆更添滋味!但口感没有想象中的软糯,偏硬些!味道也比较甜!一次吃个两三个就差不多了!