# 晒出你的美丽心机 # Who invented this drinking method! ? It’s amazing, milk + wolfberry puree Have a cup every morning It’s delicious and healthy (family members who can’t drink ice can skip the ice cubes) Like it) Drinking it alone has a sweet and sour taste~ Moreover, the anthocyanin content of black wolfberry is very high Super friendly to sisters who like to stay up late and have sallow faces
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# 晒出你的美丽心机 # 这是谁发明的喝法!?也太绝了吧牛奶+枸杞原浆 每天早上来一杯 又好喝又养生(喝不了冰的家人可以不放冰块我 喜欢)单喝是酸酸甜甜的味道~ 而且这黑枸杞的花青素含量贼高 对喜欢熬夜脸蜡黄的姐妹们超级友好心